Columbia’s orignal

Village Neighborhood

Evident by over 100 years of history, viability and recognition as an iconic locale, the success of Five Points would not be possible without the collective effort “raising” from our community and beyond!


Five Points Association

For over 100 years, Five Points has grown, evolved and been an icon in Columbia and beyond.
And for OVER 40 years the Five Points Association/Foundation has led remarkable
endeavors and continues the legacy of priceless accomplishments.

As an advocate for the district’s businesses, the Five Points Association (a 501(c)3 non-profit) strives to guide development and improvements that will enhance the vitality of Five Points. The FPA also works diligently to promote Five Points to Columbia and beyond while cultivating inclusivity internally as a neighborhood. Evident by over 100 years of history, viability and recognition as an iconic locale, the success of Five Points would not be possible without the reciprocating support between the neighboring

businesses, support staff, partners and companionship of the City of Columbia and Richland County.

While fostering those relationships, supporting the businesses, and continuously showcasing Five Points and its treasures, the Five Points Association and its Board continue the beautification, collaboration and development efforts to empower growth, upholding the historic legacy of Columbia’s original village neighborhood.

Five Points Association Board 2024-25


Steve Cook


Past President

Stephanie Melora

Southern Cypress


Ashley Lindler

A Little Happy


Richard Burts

Lorem Ipsum LLC,

Board Members

Lisa Barrett

Break Point Cola

Randy Dennis


Heather Burns

Revente and Sid & Nancy

Daniel Norris

Ruby Sunshine

Tzima Brown

Sunrise Artisan Bath & Body

OPIE Patterson


Caroline Crowder

Boyd Innovation Center Powered by GrowCo

Tim Smith

Papa Jazz

At-Large Member

Merritt McNeely

Flock and Rally

Five Points Association Staff

Heather McDonald

Executive Director

Meredith Covert

Assistant Director

Clean & Safe Team

Our Clean and Safe associates serve as neighborhood ambassadors, working 7-days a week to keep Five Points beautiful and friendly for all.

Gus Brettelle
David Rodgers
Javille Turner


Improve. Promote. Collaborate. Celebrate. Commemorate.

The mission of the Five Points Association (a 501(c)3 non-profit) is to represent the interest of the village of Five Points and its businesses through development, beautification and promotion. Cultivating a strong membership base is what continues to make this organization an effective one for both the merchants, as well as the surrounding community, at-large. By joining the Five Points Association, you are

supporting an organization whose sole purpose is to createand maintain a better neighborhood for us all. We work tirelessly to improve the quality of life in our village, and with your support by way of membership, we are able to continue doing so. Please take this opportunity to get involved in your community as there is not a better way to share your voice than from within.

Benefits of Membership

Business Promotion

  • Welcome/Member Feature in Newsletter
  • Opportunity to share announcements/specials/highlights/job openings/promotions, etc. in e-blasts
  • Listing on FPA website
  • Social media posts
  • Custom e-blast to FPA email distribution
  • Event promotion assistance
  • Press release/advisory support
  • Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting event

Event Participation

  • St. Pat’s in Five Points
  • JerryFest
  • Winter and Summer
  • Five Points Trick or Treating
  • Five Points

Association Participation

  • Attend quarterly membership meetings
  • Join a committee:
    Marketing, Events, Clean & Safe, Finance, Beauti5, Membership, or Neighborhood Development
  • Vote for and serve on the FPA Board of Directors (three-year terms)

Become a Member

Our work is made possible by individuals and businesses like yours. Because our strong membership base recognizes the importance of collaboration, active involvement and engaged participation of the membership, we are able to continuously improve the vitality and advancement of our unique, urban village.